The empty spaces are always there, waiting. We just get too busy to see them till one day, we walk right into them, the light shines so bright we can unsee them no more.

Thanksgiving this year, could not have come at a better time. Grateful for time and health! We were all down with sniffles (the degree varying with each family member). I was the one affected to the minimum hence the fort remained standing and we, as responsible people did get the testing done. The negative report did give us all a sense of relief but the cold did not read the report hence calmly walked along the curves leaving us all tired and somewhat groggy.

With not much to do and tired of sleeping and binge-watching I decided to do my least favorite thing….clean.

A trip to the garage made me stumble upon a small tote which I had forgotten to open ever since we moved….a few years ago. An envelope holding some cash and gift cards suddenly raised my financial worth but it was the other find which made me pause.

Almost 14 years ago, while pregnant with my first born, I had bought an embroidery kit to pass time and maybe feel more maternal. But I never got to complete it. Infact, at times when we did come face to face, I felt overwhelmed, anxious and a little bit disappointed to not finish what I had so excitedly started. Slightly remorseful!

I did what any person in my shoes would do (or maybe not). I packed it up and put it somewhere and forgot about it. Not only did I forget about it then, I had forgotten about it for over a decade till I came face to face with it and along with it came all the memories.

This time however, I have mustered the courage to finish it.

When I picked up the needle again I started thinking to myself how many times I have come across the same feeling, and maybe you have too when you feel like there is a gap…..an empty space which needs to be filled.

The emptiness is not physical in a literal sense but more of a feeling. It creeps in when we are bored, other times when lonely but surprisingly even during times when one is over worked or overwhelmed.

The biggest mistake most of us do is that we try filling up the emptiness with something bigger than is actually needed and in the end either leave the project hanging in the air or end up feeling more horrible for not finishing the project or super over whelmed since another thing to do has been added to the list. Just like in my case where I picked up a project which was bigger than what I actually needed at that time.

Here are some empty space filling ideas which are so do-able. Chose them based on the need and the depth of the empty space.

I. Organize the closet or the pantry and if that seems too much, how about simply organizing the knick-knack drawer?

II. Rearrange the room. The layout should work for the people living there not outsiders. How will you ever figure out that productivity was waiting for you to turn the direction of the desk.

III. One activity you have been waiting to do, now is the day! Paint. Draw. Sew. Garden. DIY

IV. You bought that serveware for a reason. Now is the time to host a brunch/lunch/dinner and put them to use. While you are at it, time to dust off and display the seasonal décor.

V. Jump into some PJ’s and let’s get binge-watching. Is Yellowstone worth the hype?

VI: Donate those random gifts which you are never gonna use and are collecting dust sitting inside a closet somewhere in the house.

VII. Time for a new you. Haircut? Color?

VIII. Sometimes dishes can pile up, laundry remain unfolded and home not vacuumed. Family time or me time is more precious.

IX. You don’t always lose if you snooze. Sometimes you let your body heal by sleeping in.

X. An impromptu plan with a friend with all the extra calories, cheezy gossip and loads of laughter will be the best therapy session.

XI. Grab the book, get the throw. Time to turn the phone on silent and just read.

XII. Detailed conversation with God. Meditate.

XIII. Retire the bag/shoes. They already outlived their predecessors. Time for some shopping.

XIV. Play the game. Listen to the song. Hear the podcast. Do it on repeat. No judgement here.

XV. A long walk/run is best to clear the thoughts.

XVI. Brain-dump. Time to put some ink on the paper.

XVII. Get the fancy latté or that scrumptious donut.

XVIII. Put on your favorite music and go on a long drive. How about an overnight trip?

XIX. Do nothing. It will pass.

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