And I will wait!

It is snowing outside and I can see through the window that both my kids are having so much fun making snowman (or at least something like that) in the backyard. Our dog is having a blast running from one end to the other. Maaaammmmmaaaaaa….come out….come plaaaaayy….They shout at the top of their lungs throwing […]

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As I close my eyes it all comes running back to me. A memory soo painful yet deeply etched in me for ever. It might have been an ordinary day for you but for me it was special. The happiness was so big that it was becoming impossible to contain it. Am I dreaming? Is […]

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How could it be worse?

how it be more worse

You have lost your job….had a miscarriage….received a life threatening health diagnosis or have lost a loved one. The last thing you want to hear is “It could have been worse” .  Seriously?? More Worse?? At that moment these words are pinching, killing . When the pain is new it hurts, it hurts super bad. […]

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